- Upload ANY Social Emotional Learning form of their choosing to the LCS platform
- Assess each student’s specific and overall SEL outcomes
- See SEL improvement trends of the entire population of students both at the school and participating in community partner programs
As an educator, you know that a positive Social Emotional Learning growth benefits students in other areas we measure such as Attendance, Behavior, and Core Academics as Early Warning Indicators. Learning Circle allows you to view SEL outcomes next to Early Warning Indicators for a more comprehensive view of improvement. Many school-based challenges can point back to an SEL source.
With Learning Circle Software, you can bring in your preferred SEL assessment, and our platform can mold to what you are using. We then connect it to CASEL’s Social Emotional Competencies so you can see the efficacy of your community partners’ programs on your students.
We will be holding trainings on the new SEL Dashboard (more to come)- the LCS platform will look and operate the same, with a slight enhancement for quick viewing and the option to dig deeper into the student data:

For any additional questions- please reach out to Ben Mackessy, Client Engagement Manager, at: ben.mackessy@learningcirclesoftware.com