About Learning Circle

Learning Circle supports educators and community-based organizations by transforming data into an understandable dashboard to ensure the RIGHT student is receiving the RIGHT service at the RIGHT time.


Learning Circle provides critical information on both student school performance and programs and interventions students receive from out-of-school providers.


Learning Circle helps community organizations understand the needs of the students they serve  to provide coordinated and quality services to promote improved student outcomes.

Don’t take our word for it.  The nation’s foremost organization advocating for effective education data policy and usage, the Data Quality Campaign believes that…

Data + Out of School Time Partnerships = Student Success.

This video created by the Data Quality Campaign explains the importance of sharing data with Out-of-School Time partners to promote student success.

Our Values

We Believe That All Children Deserve a Quality Education.

We believe in Collaboration.

We work to connect communities and schools to create a sustainable system of support for all children.

We believe in outcomes.

We believe in ensuring that children who need help are recognized and provided with a support system.

We believe time is of the essence.

We exist to ensure children who need support receive it in a timely fashion.

We believe in Student Privacy.

Protecting personal student information is at the core of everything we do.

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Learning Circle

Contact Us

Do you believe data can be used to help promote student success? Do you believe schools and community organizations can support children better by working together?

If so, we’d love to chat! Send us a quick message below.